Company Registration In Dubai

If you want to know how to register a company in Dubai this guide will help you out. If you want to start a new business or expand your business in Dubai, registration of a company in Dubai is mandatory to legalize your business.

There are some basic requirements for getting a license for the company registration in Dubai. On this page, we will discuss these basic requirements and procedures to start your business legally.


How to register a company in Dubai?

Hexagon Advisory is the well-known service provider in guiding on company formation in UAE. Hexagon Advisory is dedicated to provide all services related to company formation to clients.

The procedure of company registration in Dubai maybe looks confusing to the new arrival. But our step by step guide will break it down and help you to understand the procedure. Besides, Hexagon Advisory has helped many businesses to establish in the various zones of Dubai. If you read these steps, the process will seem easy to you.

Step 1:

First of all, you need to select the type of business. Select a business that is likely to work for you? 

Step 2:

Choose a company name and logo. A clear name is very important for registration.

Step 3:

Finalize the registration paperwork of the company and place them for the registration with the government.

Step 4:

Now you will receive a license notification after some time. Now you will be called to receive your original corporate documents.

Step 5:

You need to open a corporate bank account as you have the original corporate documents.

You will be called to submit the processing fee for your registration in Dubai.

Legal Business Structure

Before filing your application of registration, follow the required legal business structure of government. Most of the applications are rejected due to not following the legal business structure. Government law defines these seven legal business structures:


  1. General partnership
  2. Public shareholding
  3. Private shareholding
  4. Joint venture
  5. Partnership in commendams
  6. Share partnership
  7. Limited liability


In Dubai, the government issues 3 kinds of licenses to register the company.

  • The commercial license is issued to the companies related to the trading.
  • An industrial license is issued to the companies that will engage in manufacturing or industrial activity.
  • A professional license is issued to the professionals, service providers and craftsmen. 

The department of economic development controls the license issuing to the companies.


If you have any question regarding how to register a company in Dubai, contact Hexagon Advisory for queries.