Bahamas The Bahamas are a group of around 700 islands located off the south east coast of the state of Florida, USA and have been an independent member of the British Commonwealth since 1973. The Bahamas have a political and legal system which closely follows the UK system and British common law applies. There is an estimated population of 350,000. The official language is English and its currency is the Bahamian Dollar and the US dollars that are used interchangeably throughout the island chain.
The Bahamas have an excellent range of international banks based in the islands with currently 396 banks holdings licences under the Banks and Trust Companies Regulations Act 2000. Bahamas have no tax treaties or agreements for the exchange of information with any other state except agreements covering specific mutual assistance.

Highlights of Bahamas Companies

  • Exemption from all local taxation
  • No restriction of free repatriation of profits
  • Confidentiality on directors and shareholders information
  • Based on English Law
  • Well developed professional infrastructure
  • British dependent territory
  • Neutral tax jurisdiction
  • Regulated financial services industry
  • No annual accounts to be filed

General Information

Type of Company IBC
Companies Law IBC Act 2000, (as amended 2001)
Minimum Director One
Minimum Shareholder One
Bearer Shares Permitted No
Corporate Shareholders Yes
Corporate Directors Yes
Disclosure of Ownership No
Disclosure of Directors Yes
Corporate Seal Required Yes
Annual accounts filing No
Annual returns filing No