Belize TBelize (formerly, “British Honduras”) is located at the northeastern end of Central America, south east of Mexico. There is an estimated population of 300,000. The official language is English and Spanish and its currency is the Belize dollar which is fixed to the US dollar at BZ$2=US$1.

The primary industries are Agriculture & tourism and offshore industry also benefits from a number of preferential market access arrangements. This country is currently a member of Commonwealth, The United Nations, The Organization of American States and The Association of Caribbean States. The government of Belize is operated on the principles of parliamentary democracy based on the Westminster System similar to England and the contract and commercial law is based on the English law model.

Highlights of Belize Companies (“IBCs”)

  • Exemption from all local taxation and stamp duty
  • Confidentiality on directors and shareholders information
  • Based on English Law
  • Well developed professional infrastructure
  • Neutral tax jurisdiction
  • Regulated financial services industry
  • Articles of Association can be adapted to the needs of the company
  • No annual returns or annual accounts to be filed

General Information

Type of Company IBC
Companies Law International Business Companies Act, 1990
Minimum Director One
Minimum Shareholder One
Bearer Shares Permitted Yes (restricted mobility)
Corporate Shareholders Yes
Corporate Directors Yes
Disclosure of Ownership No
Disclosure of Directors No
Corporate Seal Required Yes
Annual accounts filing No
Annual returns filing No